Definite Article "The" - Fungsi, Contoh Kalimat dan Artinya

Definite Artice "The"

Definite Artice "The" dari namanya saja sudah diketahui bahwa article ini merupakan article yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang pasti. Jadi baik dari pembicara dan pendengar memahami kata benda/orang yang dimaksud secara pasti. Article the dapat digunakan untuk countable ataupun uncountable noun.

Definite Article

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Penggunaan Article "The"

The digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang sudah dijelaskan/dibicarakan sebelumnya.

Contoh :

A man whose car I want to buy is often a serious and stiff person. People may change their opinion if they find the man laughing out loud.

Yesterday, there was a thief came to my house and he was caught by CCTV. The thief hasn't been caught yet

The digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang khusus dan jelas dimana hanya ada 1 hal/benda di tempat tersebut meskipun belum pernah disebutkan sebelumnya.

Contoh :

Do you know where the bathroom is?

I go to the chinese restaurant

She loved the doll that you give to her

The digunakan untuk menjelaskan benda dengan kata sifat tertentu

The blue car right there is mine

Which doll do you prefer to buy? The pink one

The digunakan untuk objek yang unik dan hanya ada satu

Contoh :

The governor will be speaking on TV tonight

The CEO of Tesla will come to our company tonight

The digunakan untuk menjelaskan waktu dan arah/posisi

Contoh :

in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the future, the present, the past

the north, the west, the east, the top, the bottom

The digunakan sebelum ordinal number(bilangan bertingkat)

Contoh :

This is the second time i have been called  by principal

I will read my book from the last chapter

This is the third time I come to Bali

The digunakan sebelum superlative adjective

Contoh :

The highest building in the world is in Dubai

Bugatti has the fastest car

Bugatti has the most expensive car

The digunakan pada dekade/abad

Contoh :

This is a painting from the 1503's

The digunakan untuk sekelompok orang/nama bangsa yang bersifat plural

Contoh :

The Indonesian like to eat spicy food

The elderly require special treatment for the vaccine

Bill gates gives a lot of money to the poor

The digunakan untuk menjelaskan lokasi laut, geografis, pegunungan, pulau-pulau, kanal

Contoh :

Titanic Sank in the North Atlantic Ocean

Hiking to the top of the Everest would be difficult

The digunakan sebelum peristiwa penting, jabatan, fasilitas umum, surat kabar

Contoh :

The Prime Minister of Malaysia will come tonight

The Round Table Conference took place on August 23, 1949

I Will pray to the Istiqlal Mosque

He works for the New York Times

The digunakan pada negara yang memiliki kata republic, kingdom, states

Contoh :

I will go to the United States

She studies in the United Kingdom

Arthur is from the Republic of Ireland

The digunakan pada monumen, bangunan terkenal, museum

Contoh :

We have to go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa

I will go to  the Eiffel Tower next holiday

Have you seen the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

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